Some say that as humans we actually need a sense of urgency, a Dunkerque kind of mentality before we will all pull together as a race to save our fellow beings. This may well be so. We all know how easy it is to procrastinate around our less favourite activities, revising for exams for example, until the last possible moment. Sometimes good ideas for change can be buried in cumbersome and unwieldy bureaucracy. Sometimes effective leadership is missing.
Ignorance is often to blame. Obviously, busy individuals do not tend to read books and textbooks outside their own spheres, and specialists do not tend to look beyond their own fields to the wider significance of their knowledge and skill – often having quite enough to do in their own work! Too often it seems that wisdom is then lost within the pages of a book – good ideas do not always convert into positive action - and are never developed further. And even the most respected media will distort facts either by accident or design to grab headline attention.
Am I right? Is there hope?
please let me have some thoughts!
By the way I liked the photo and I guess it has some relevance to the topic!! Any one like to hazard a guess as to where I took it?!
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