Do other countries have problems with litter despoiling the countryside? And do they care? Do you care? Please let me know if this is just me, but I am getting to feel really depressed by the amount of unsightly rubbish that I see all around me in my day to day travels.
Last weekend we had occasion to take a long car journey - yes OK we would have gone by train if we could, but the destination was too remote to make this a viable option. Anyway, we drove. And all along the motorways there was litter lining the verges - not just odd bits and pieces, but everywhere, without any let up. And it made me nearly cry for the shame of being British, if this is how my fellow citizens behave. Is this how we bring up our kids, to just chuck any litter out of the car window? Is this the example the adults set them? Does no one see this for what it is, a filthy habit?Do let me know if you notice this and whether you care.
One of our most treasured imports from America, Bill Bryson is the President of the Campaign to Protect Rural England, and is a passionate anti-litter campaigner and champion of the countryside. He is currently spearheading the Stop the Drop Campaign here. Do go and have a look and see what you can do for your country.
Why England Matters
And on Tuesday 15th March, "Bill will be joining Jonathan and David Dimbleby for a fascinating talk to discuss ‘Why England matters’. The event, which will raise money for Dimbleby Cancer Care and Marie Curie Cancer Care, will take place at Merchant Taylor’s Hall, London. Click here for more information." (quoted from Bill's website - I know he will not mind me spreading this word). Perhaps it just may not be too late to take part.
"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." attributed to Plato
"Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing." attributed to Edmund Burke
Monday, 14 March 2011
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It's Time you knew - by Transition Rachel at YouTube

with vapor trails
You are not alone in being concerned about the effects of litter/trash in our environment.
There are many slogans decrying litter and litterbugs. Who amongst us would say they favor litter or would encourage people to litter? Yet litter persists. Vermont (USA) has a great focus on litter clean up on the first Saturday in May of each year whereby many folks participate in Vermont's Green Up Day by voluntarily picking up litter in their neighborhood.
Nevertheless, litter continues to accumulate all through the year on our streets, sidewalks, front yards, parks, and streams. We need more than Green Up Day and more than slogans to eradicate litter in our community.
Nor will prevention efforts alone solve our litter problem. First, we need to be aware of the litter on our public greenbelt and on private and business properties. Second, we need to take ownership and responsibility by being part of the solutions. Success will require many ideas and actions to prevent litter, to cleanup existing litter, to raise awareness and activism, and grow a culture that is intolerant of litter.
Visit my blog for short stories related to litter eradication,
many thanks Bernie. I am enjoying your site and will follow it with interest not to mention amusement! It's also good to know people do read the blog!
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