On a day when our UK Tory Government has announced cuts of £2billion to previously planned public expenditure, because of lack of funds, I am forcefully reminded of Rodney Shakespeare and Peter Challen's book, Seven Steps to Justice.
Published in 2002, this deserves a much wider readership and recognition than it has received.
A short book, it has a wealth of profound insight and potentially far reaching recommendations for a fundamental change to our current financial systems, whilst written in an easy style that is accessible to all, without requiring any deep financial or economic background. And all this in just 150 pages.
The review by Wayne Strugeon provides a good summary of this book's main thrust. Another essential review is that of Norman Kurland, President of the Center for Economic and Social Justice Washington.
The key issue exposed by Shakespeare and Challen is that our current banking system creates money. Not only that, but it then claims ownership of that money by charging interest on it. What is more c. 97% of the money created annually comes from that banking system, with interest, and just 3% is government created, without any interest charge. Why does a government have to pay interest to the banks? Why are we almost totally controlled by the banks? Two good questions!
The authors go on to propose a neat alternative, which they have called Binary Economics, based on Louis Kelso's model (elsewhere described as the Third Alternative Economy.) The main object of this style of economics is to ensure that all individuals have access to earning through both capital ownership and the provision of their own labour, the only two ways, the book tells us, that we can genuinely earn.
The benefits of such a system are several. Most importantly, as the front cover notes, there would be two basic incomes available for all, capital ownership for all, a proper and fair deal for all women, and they even dare to propose solutions to the problems in the Middle East and Kashmir, based on this new style of economy. How wonderful is that?!
Unfortunately such radical proposals tend to get ignored because too many people caught up in the present system have too much to lose if the system changes.
Can we afford in the present world economic crisis to ignore other ideas? Let's at least open the debate.
If you have got this far, you may like to pursue the topic further in a blog of the Global Justice Movement, The Just Third Way.
1 comment:
We're delighted that you have discovered and are spreading the good word of Binary Economics and the Just Third Way blog at http://just3rdway.blogspot.com/. You might also take a look at the Global Justice Movement in Canada at www.globaljusticemovement.org. When you have the time, please scan some of our specific solutions to the financial mess in today's world at our "virtual library" at www.cesj.org.
In Peace, Prosperity and Freedom, only through Justice,
Norm Kurland
Center for Economic and Social Justice
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