The 7th century Irish robed Christ, wrought from Irish Turf, is taken from the 7th century bronze bookcover or plaque in the National Museum Dublin. Made by Owen Crafts Ireland.
You will note that I have been really busy reading books lately. Well for one thing there is very little one can do in the garden or at the allotment when they are both under a foot or more of snow, and there is a limit as to how much walking I can do in any one day. So here I am curled up in my warm study reading and writing.
Here is a scholarly book, quite a contrast to those I have read lately. But I persevered with it and have found it a most rewarding read. It is a compilation of lectures delivered mainly between 1992 and 2002 by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, on faith, religion, culture, truth and tolerance. He has brought them together in the context of exploring how religions can “relate to one another peacefully” and contribute to educating man towards peace, an urgent goal for the world today.
That is why I bought the book, as a contribution to my own current studies on how religions, mysticisms and spirituality can come together to find tolerance and peace in a world desperately seeking solutions for the mess we have made of it.
An important contemporary thinker of huge experience, this is a scholarly book but it is written in a lucid style and logical order that makes it also accessible for the intelligent reader who wishes to explore these vitally important religious, philosophical and theological issues in some depth. I found this an extremely useful contribution to this debate and have written a full review for Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk
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